Monday, September 22, 2008

Past Week

One week down and five to go !!!
Bowled a great series again this week, this won't last.
Saturday was our monthly get together 8 bowlers (we were on the Albert Lea Travelling team at one time or another) serverd a waffle brunch with all the various topping. Can't remember but I think there were 8 or 9 towns we bowled at once a month. I do remember all the good food we had afterwards. Then Saturday night was the annual Lions BBQ Rib dinner was very tasty.
Sunday after church went to Austin, Grams needed a new ribbon for printer, Albert Lea doesn't handle carry it. Thursday I have an every radiation appointment 10:15 then we will leave for
Garrison, this will be the last time for the year.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

This past week

Well I started bowling Tuesday, to high of scores for first week, all 3 games were 150's
I won't be able to keep that average for long. Wednesday, they laid new cement in front
of my garage door, and the start of "radiation" treatments for 6 weeks, as of know I'm going at
2:30 daily. Thursday was a free big supper for RSVP Volunteers in Albert Lea, the food was good. Saturday was the trip to Lanesboro and Legion Steak supper. Somenight I will remember to not be a pig eating the cabbage salad, I was really busy the rest of the night !!!! Sunday night Grams and I went to the movie "Mamma Mia" need more shows like that. Nothing special going on this week, just my daily visit to the hospital.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Wonder what happened to every thing I had typed!!
Oh well wasn't that important, I'm not going to retype.
Have a good week and I'll again next week.

Fall in the air!!!