Monday, September 28, 2009

Well it has been about 5 months since my last message.
I don't have FaceBook so haven't been able to keep up
with all the news.

This past weekend 9/26/09 we closed up the trailer for the
winter, can't believe summer is over. Although today
did feel like fall. Wouldn't be going north for awhile
so going south, going to Branson 10/31-11/4, other than
that guess I'll be home.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Wonder where my message went!!! I had given you information
on my 4 day trip to the St. Louis, MO area. Visited Cape
Girardeau, Charleston area as well, the Azalea and Dogwood were in full bloom. Visited Anheuser-Busch Brewery,Union
Station and of course the Arches. Also stopped at Hannibal,MO
for tour of Mark Twains home etc. This week I have my Cancer
check up, evening meal with Traveling Bowling Gals, and I
better start packing up items for Garrison. We plan to go
early Friday morning.

Thanks Josh, the shelving fits just right!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Can't believe it's almost the end of March! Time does
fly even if your not having fun. Finished bowling
for this year, banquet was this week. Our team
came in 2nd from the bottom 2nd half and in first
half we were in 2nd place. Something is wrong with
this picture. Not much has happen around here, last
Saturday was our (travelling) bowlers lunch I had
to be called,they were waiting , can't believe I was
missing a meal. Came home, picked up Grams and went
back to Albert Lea for a Torsk Supper than down to
Emmons Legion for Ladies Nite Out and to celebrate
Phil's birthday. Nothing happens, but all in one day!
Tonight is Civic Music sure hope it doesn't snow !!!
Will see you at Easter. That Monday I have medical appt's
and Tuesday leaving on a four day trip,southern Missouri.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Well we were missed in last weeks big snowstorm.
BUT, it hit us Sunday morning for a good 1" plus
of sloppy wet stuff, then it was done. Suppose
to get another storm Tuesday, better not hit as
that's my last night for bowling. Other than that
not much has happen. Went to Arlington on Wednesday
with Grams for her work. We had a different lunch
very good. So I prepared it for Grams and Sindi on
Thursday as she had appointment in Alden here.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Looks like I don't proof until it's
to late!!!! My "main" concern not my
mean concern. Sorry
Looks like it's been a month since my last blog.
That could be because nothing exciting has happen.
My mean concern has been that my GOOD friend Alice
who I worked with for 39 years had a stomach aneuryson
this past Thursday, has been at Rochester since.
Friday her chances of living was 50/50, Saturday was
better as they had her sitting up !! Haven't had any
report as of yet for today. This Tuesday and next Tuesday bowling will be over for the year..yea! Can't believe it's
March already. I too got tax refund will be able to
good north this summer.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Just to let you know I'm still upright, haven't
fallen so fall this year. The last few days have
really been nice. Only after melting every day
I have a ice rink early each morning.

Haven't done much of interest to report, eat out,
went to ACT, eat out, did some shopping, eat out!
No wonder I don't lose any weight.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sure glad this past week is over !!! Way to cold for me.
Therefore I didn't go anywhere, didn't even go bowling,
that night it was to get -30+ plus wind and snow and it
did. Glad I didn't go. Not much to report on my doings
only Saturday we had our travelling bowling get-to-gether
got home about 4:30 drove home in some BAD weather but then
went to MainStreet for supper with Grams and friends (Delores
& Margaret)then went to Grams for some cards.

Today after church the 4 of us went to the Moose Club for their
Omlett breakfast it was worth the money I have half of it in the
refrig. for tomorrow.

Keep the heat wave a coming.......

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Nothing of interest has happen so far this year.
Warm weather, than rain and ice that's about it.
Well at less this week I'll know what day it will be.
Nice to have holidays in the mid of the week but it
really upsets the week to many Sundays!