Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Up Date

Not much to report this week...... Last Thursday night we went to Mankato, Gram needed some information from GAGS......We stopped at Catherines' bought a new outfit that wasn't needed, but cost was only $11.98 original cost about $50. Friday delivered dinners 3 stops and 5 meals. Later we joined ladies night out at the Legion. Saturday lunch at Senior Dinning, A/C Supt. gave an update with regards to the school addition and enrollment. Came home and did some baking. Sunday Jim and Sharon stopped at Gram for lunch so I was invited their.
Yesterday I had doctor appointment(s) regarding my upcoming radiation treatments. Someone forgot to make the "simulation" appointment so Wednesday 9/3, I will have that done. Then they will set the starting day and time (6 weeks 5 days a week ending around 10/17/08)
Well I better start packing, leaving in the morning for Garrison, will be their thru Labor Day.

Monday, August 18, 2008

well, I had another fall!!

I had another fall. I had a weekend visitor, sierra (the dog). Somehow I got tangled in the chain and down I went. The neighbor guy was outside and heard me shout for help, so he came and helped me up. NO broken bones, only my pride. But am I ever sore, bruised and bled alot, but my personal nurse came to my aid and bandaged me up.

Attended the firemans pork chop and sweet corn feed on Saturday night. MMMM good.

Friday night Grama Bling and I went to a cousins supper in Albert Lea. Good to talk of when we were young.

This coming Monday(8/25) I go to the oncology dept at the Hospital to get my appt's set up for radiation treatments. Will let you know how that all goes.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Casino Trip

Sue, your casino trip sounds like the one my friend Jan and I did a few years ago. We started at Red Wing, Hastings Hinckly, Duluth (both BlackBear and Downtown) and all the way north to Grand Marais and up to the border casino. That was a scary place! then onward to Ely and back down the other side stopping at Walker, Garrison, Morton and homeward. We probably spent a total of an hour an a half at each, as neither of us won anything. Was just a fun trip

Casino Trip

This weekend

You figured it out!! Auntie doesn't have the bloggin down. Just read Grama Blings and thats about the same. Two of my neighbor guys turned 60 this summer and had a "Town" Hog Roast with corn and beans and of course all the beer you could drink last night.
After church this morning, neighbor Steve gave me two bags of corn, so that kept me busy this afternoon preparing the corn for freezing. Other than that, nothing exciting.
BIG fire at the end of 109 and 46. (the old Carlson place) a shed burned down. 4 fire dept's had to respond to keep the barn and garage and house wet. So we had to check it out.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


I really think I'm a healthy person but have been proven wrong. In November of 2005 I was diagnosis as a diabetic. I'm still in denial. Then June 6, 2008 I had my regular diabetes check-up and breast exam. WELL, June 16, I had a mammogram four lumps that needed to removed.
June 19, visited Dr. Lotts, and had a biopsy of left breast. June25, Reading of the pathologists report. I have cancer in left breast! Rather shocking !!! I was given a month to have fun and worry about this. Then Monday, July 28, sugery was done. It was a lumpectomy. Thursday, July 31, Bette went along to hear the results of the surgery.... Dr. Lotts had good news: all the cancer cells were
removed. In about 3 weeks I will need to start radiation for every day for about 6 weeks.

Thanks goodness I have a sister near by to watchover me. THANKS SIS!