Monday, August 18, 2008

well, I had another fall!!

I had another fall. I had a weekend visitor, sierra (the dog). Somehow I got tangled in the chain and down I went. The neighbor guy was outside and heard me shout for help, so he came and helped me up. NO broken bones, only my pride. But am I ever sore, bruised and bled alot, but my personal nurse came to my aid and bandaged me up.

Attended the firemans pork chop and sweet corn feed on Saturday night. MMMM good.

Friday night Grama Bling and I went to a cousins supper in Albert Lea. Good to talk of when we were young.

This coming Monday(8/25) I go to the oncology dept at the Hospital to get my appt's set up for radiation treatments. Will let you know how that all goes.

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