Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Well I guess my message of yesterday didn't get printed.
So will try another time.
Got my flu shot last Friday, should be illfree this winter!
Saturday was Alden's Craft sale at school, Grams,Sindi,Steph
and myself attended, not as much as some other years. Had lunch
at school and then I went to Legion Steak supper that night that
always is SO......good. Sunday night Bette and I attened Clavary
Baptist Church concert, not putting that on my calendar for next

Monday, Aunt Lucille came over and we attended Gladys Weyrum's
99th birthday party, she is still a very sharp lady. That night
I went to a Healty Holiday Cooking school for Diabetics... Nothing
good to eat !! Tuesday we had a bit of winter return....sleety and
rain in forecast....had a hair cut and decided not to in for bowling
by 5pm it hit but not for long...guess I could have gone (my age is
catching up with me). Anyway, had a good supper, neighbor Halane
came with goulash etc..(husband is in Missouri this week) Thursday,
we plan on having LIVER and ONIONS and she will try touching up my
water spots on the porch ceiling. Friday going to Owatonna to have
lunch with a former SW teacher and Saturday will have a RED HAT outing
in Wells, catholic church having something. Had eye appointment this
morning, every thing ok that a plus! I think that covers everything.

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